Stone Bond Technologies, the leader in Data Virtualization, announced today that WCA Waste Corporation, has purchased Enterprise Enabler in order to integrate an ERP targeted towards the waste industry with multiple disparate data sources.
WCA is a vertically integrated non-hazardous solid waste management company providing waste collection, transfer, material processing and disposal services. WCA commenced business operations in 2000 in Houston, Texas and has expanded under the guidance of a veteran management team to cover ten states. WCA provides services to over half a million residential and commercial/ industrial customers.
WCA, like many providers in the waste management industry, utilizes this particular ERP software for routing, dispatch, scaling and facility management. The ERP is built on .NET and Microsoft SQL Server platforms, with the data stored in data silos. This made it difficult and time consuming to switch from accessing and viewing one customer database to another. Another challenge was receiving timely reports without incurring additional costs from the ERP provider.
In order to view the ERP databases of customers as a singular database without Enterprise Enabler, multiple custom query codes would have to be written and deployed for each object transformation; producing unstable results at best. “Enterprise Enabler has created new information horizons for WCA. We have been able to consolidate, share and analyze millions of records in minutes across different systems and platforms. It doesn’t matter if our data resides in the cloud, databases, or spreadsheets. The Stone Bond platform has given us a view to our company data that we could only dream about a few months ago,” stated WCA Vice President of Information Systems, Antonio Marin.
Stone Bond Technologies will use Data Virtualization to consolidate the databases that are in the shard pattern of the ERP, resulting in the addition of a new source-specific AppComm to the nearly 500 the company has already successfully configured. A Data Virtualization layer will be built to integrate the ERP with disparate cloud data from sources that include Salesforce and will eliminate most of the data silos and manual procedures currently being utilized at WCA. Data from the RFIDs in the waste carts used and an analytic tool that combines driver and vehicle data via onboard instruments will be integrated with the waste industry ERP to improve route efficiency.
“This is a perfect example of how Enterprise Enabler really can connect everything to anything for our clients,” said Stone Bond CTO Pamela Szabo. “The innovation involved in configuring this new AppComm is responsible for the long list of sources we have integrated successfully where others have failed regardless of how disparate or unstructured the data is.”